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April 30, 2012 / elandar1

Finals Week and ECGC =)

So, got back from the East Coast Game Conference on Friday. I learned a great deal on how to make myself more marketable, to start developing my own “brand”. I have some work to do with my portfolio and resume, but I hope in the end it will be well worth it.

This week is finals week for me so that is on my mind, and then right after that I will über amounts of time to devote to finishing with “The Sphere”. I got some of Clinton’s code that he worked on, before he got really busy, and that was a great boost seeing as he had it being able to be resized at anytime. I am hoping that by the end of May I will have physics, graphics, and 3-D sound tested and working. I know ambitious, but I think I can do it.

For a reminder we are using Bullet physics engine, OpenGL, SDL (Simple Direct Library), and OpenAL. I am enjoying it even the headaches that occur at times with them, and learning them more and more each time.

Oh, I will be trying to pick a few contract jobs on O’Desk over the summer as well (the site that is stealing Clinton’s soul), though progress on “The Sphere” will continue, of that I am sure.

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